+27 (0) 31 201 1130 durban@thembanishipping.co.za

Ship To Ship Transfer Operations

Ship to Ship in Coega inside Port
Transferring of LPG products from Mother to Daughter vessel

Ship To Ship Transfer Operations

In line with the economic changes and cheaper way for owners to continue in doing business efficiently, instead of securing a vessel to proceed to load port for loading, incur compromising & sometimes high freight rates. The cheaper option is for the Owner via the Brokers / Charterers to locate an Area where Cargo Transfer to take place in the Port of Richards Bay and or Ngqura where one cargo is treated as an export at the end of the day.

The above involves suitable berth with enough water and equipment which used to support the vessel when double banked. This is allowed through various permissions from all Authorities and approvals with costly indemnities.

There are processes like Demobilization and mobilization, and this refers to moving of Equipment from original site through abnormal trucks and abnormal cranes.

Appropriate vessel berths , Fendering processes commences and completes. There is also a specialist involved for the Mooring operation and the entire process of cargo transfer which involves approvals from the Specialist in charge of “Ship to Ship Operation” which includes Marine Insurances.


Thembani House 41 Brand Road
Glenwood, Durban, 4001
+27(0) 31 201 1130
+27(0) 31 201 1139

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